Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Sometimes kids say things you never want to forget. This morning, while hauling Unruly to summer camp in the wee hours, she started talking about her dad. Fortunately I always, always have a notebook and pen in the seat next to me, so I was able to capture her words verbatim.

"There are 835 daddies in the whole world and mine is the best one." -- Unruly, age 6


R said...

That's pretty perfect with Father's Day coming up. Maybe you can claim a different craft space to make a homemade card for him, pronouncing his superiority over the other 834 daddies in the world :)

J. A. Blackburn said...

that is so precious!!

Slackermommy said...

They certainly are redeemable! That's great that you write them down. I always think I will remember but I forget.

Jenn said...

Hmmm....a handmade card would be perfect! Thank you for the great idea!

Slackermommy, I try to remember to save them, but I think I forget twice as many as I actually remember.