Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank you Krista!

Krista gave me an award!

This award is in Portuguese and translated says, “This blog invests and believes, in proximity," meaning, that blogging makes us 'close'.

I actually "met" Krista though a comment she made on my mom's blog and I've been reading about her beautiful, curious son and delightful family ever since. It's amazing what kind of people you'll "meet" out there in cyberspace!

I'm going to pass this award on to Suzanne at Chickens in the Road, Dana at the Homesteading Housewife, Wendy at Let the Dog In! and Liz at Will There Be Cake?

I feel like I've become friends with these women bloggers, not because I've ever met them in real life, but because of the passion that comes through in their blogs. I feel like I'm a part of their lives, or at least, given a little window into parts of their lives.


Anonymous said...

Aw shucks, thank you so much! I'm honored. :)

Krista said...

Hey, I didn't know that was how we "met"! Did you mean that you met me through this, your mom blog, or does your mom actually have a blog that I left a comment on? (and if so, tell me because I don't know which one she is! ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary,with many more to come.

Congratulations, on your two awards, for work on paper. 1st Place & Honorable Mention.

I Still believe you can write a great book.

"Hi, love, hugs kisses to all"

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jenn. I feel the same way. And we will meet in person next time I'm in St. Louis to see family!!