Monday, December 29, 2008

A little something for us

My husband and I typically don't get each other much for Christmas. We are kind of at that point where when he really wants something, he gets it, and I do, too. There are some things we hint about during the year and gift-giving throughout the year isn't uncommon for us.

Anyway, this year we decided to splurge on ourselves. We both need to lose weight and get in shape and although I had a membership at a local gym, our schedules were seriously limiting the amount of time we could spend there. I was only getting to the gym a few times a month, him, not at all.

For years he's been commenting about how much he wants a BowFlex. I was skeptical because it seemed like a fad to me. But, I decided to go ahead and research it a bit (because after hearing him make comments about one for the past 8 years, I figured it was a pretty big hint). And I discovered it was probably exactly what we needed to get us up off our butts.

A few years ago our schedules meshed pretty well and we lived closer to the gym so we were able to work out together and push each other. I do better when I'm being pushed, or challenged by a partner. I think he does, too.

So, now our basement is our workout zone. We have the new BowFlex. Which arrived in NINE boxes that weighed nearly 500# and had to be completely assembled! Ack. Hubby put that sucker together very well, I might add.
I also put the old stereo system down there. It doesn't get any radio stations and the CD player is toast, but I can still plug in my MP3 player and go. I have a yoga mat and my giant abs ball down there, too. I'd like to get a little TV with a built-in video/CD player so I can play some of my aerobics/yoga/pilates videos down there. Much more space than upstairs and the kids and critters aren't in the way. Every try to do a pilates plank with a kid who wants to sit on you while you do it? Yeah, not so helpful! How about crunches with the dogs trying to lick your face? fun!

We've started working out and I must say, it's a good workout. And it is so nice having someone push me along and sweat right along with me. So, here's to hoping our splurge will really payoff in the long run!


Anonymous said...

good for you Jen and Robert. Hopefully it's not gonna turn into one of those expensive "laundry lines" in a few months. good luck.

Sona said...


I would totally have one if I had space for it!

Anonymous said...

i know exactly what it's like to get dog licks when trying to do floor exercising. so naturally i quit. :)