Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Little girl in the city

You know you're raising a country kid when you pull up to a four-way stop in your little town and there are four cars (including yours) waiting to go through the intersection. Your youngest daughter looks at all the cars, crosses her arms, sighs heavily and turns to you to say:

"I really hate big cities. There are too many cars and too many people. I'm glad we aren't city people."

Edited to fix my inappropriate use of an apostrophe. Thanks Amy and Kathy for catching it!


Anonymous said...

I love when I get to correct your usually perfect writing. Check your apostrophe use :)

Cute story--I can even picture her saying it in her annoyed little voice and then sighing.

Kathy said...


I am totally with your daughter on that one, four cars is way too busy for me. I love country kids.

Jenn said...

Amy and Kathy...I haven't made that particular apostrophe mistake in a LONG time! Thanks for catching it.

Amy...I had a really hard time not laughing at her...we ended up having a really nice conversation about the negatives and positives of living in the country vs. the city.

Kathy...I agree! I get annoyed when I see more than one car an hour on our road. :P

Wendy said...

that's like me here when ten cars go by while I'm trying to turn left "what's with all traffic today?!?!"

Anonymous said...

Country is good!!

- Owl.

Sona said...

Where are you??? Missing your posts... hope all is ok.

Kathy said...

Are you ever going to continue to entertain us with your life in the ciountry? I miss this blog! Please come back......

choochoo said...

LOL. Yeah, I've lived in bustling metropolises (or however ppl spell that these days)too. The excitement was almost too much at times.