Thursday, December 11, 2008

Got Christmas?

I imagine it would be even better if the viewer were under the influence of something pharmacological, kinda like watching Pink Floyd's "The Wall" while stoned.

And the electric bill...oh, the electric bill!


Kathy said...

We LOVED this! Thanks for sharing. I asked the cowboy to do our place like that....

Sona said...

I bet the neighbors HATE them.

Talk about your silly expenses - that's got to be $1000 displays there. Sorry, I'll spend my money elsewhere.

Jenn said...

Kathy...they are pretty cool. Tell the cowboy there are computer programs that can sync the lights with the music...the hard part is actually putting up all those lights!

Sona...yeah, I don't even want to think about the expense for all those lights and the extra stuff. I would guess well over $3,000 in lights and decorations, not to mention the resulting electric bill!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn,
Me and Clara sit here and watch these every night. I think we've gone through all the ones they offer under the main ones. Plus more. Her favorites are the Coca Cola ones. With all the animals. Thanks for sharing. Uncle DAVID